Welcome to
Thu-it [Truth]
Thu-it [Truth] starts with Thu-itstuhw [Telling the Truth]
Immerse yourself in an interactive multi-media visual and sensory experience that takes you through time to learn and experience 150+ years of colonial history and the impacts it has and continues to have on Indigenous communities, families and individuals. Told through the experiences of a group of Quw’utsun’ Elders, participants will reconsider history and understand all that we have to learn from Indigenous world views, values and ways of knowing.
Thu-it (pronounced Tha eet) returns in 2024 on Salt Spring Island - watch here for details!
Latest News
Poverty reduction strategies are now complete for Ladysmith and Lake Cowichan.
Now it's time for action...
Climate Change
[Stay tuned to learn more]

The 2024 Living Wage in Cowichan has increased again, now at $25.71.
How have increasing costs
affecting your quality of life?
Check out SPC's 2023 Annual Report for a recap of everything we've been up to over the past year.
Current Surveys
We are conducting community research on a range of topics. Please take some time to share your thoughts!
Statistics Canada has begun releasing data collected from the Canada 2021 Census. What will it tell us about our community?
"If you want to go fast, go alone.
If you want to go far, go together."
African Proverb