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Our beloved Xpey’ (Western redcedar) is vulnerable to the impacts of climate change following more than a century of logging and other land uses. This cultural and spiritual keystone species  is inseparable from the life of First Nations communities up and down Vancouver Island and beyond. It has been since time immemorial. 


It will take all of us working together to protect existing Xpey’ stands and restore the ecological conditions for Xpey’ to survive so that 500 years from now, generations will continue to know and love this beloved tree. Through the Elder-lead Xpey' (Cedar) Project we are taking actions. We are engaging youth and Elders to revitalize traditional cultural practices for the stewardship and use of Xpey' through reconnecting youth to cultural knowledge and teachings about the land.

Find out more about the Xpey' project and how you can get involved. 

Watch a xpey' slide show here

Donations gratefully accepted toward family planting day activities and documenting Elder cultural knowledge and stories for a Xpey' animation series.

Let us know if you would like a charitable tax receipt for donations over $20.

Huy ch q'u!
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